The Clean Coder by Robert C. Martin
A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers
August 01, 2016 - 1435 words - 8 mins Found a typo? Edit me
Programmers who endure and succeed amidst swirling uncertainty and nonstop pressure share a common attribute: They care deeply about the practice of creating software. They treat it as a craft. They are professionals.
Readers will learn
- What it means to behave as a true software craftsman
- How to deal with conflict, tight schedules, and unreasonable managers
- How to get into the flow of coding, and get past writer’s block
- How to handle unrelenting pressure and avoid burnout
- How to combine enduring attitudes with new development paradigms
- How to manage your time, and avoid blind alleys, marshes, bogs, and swamps
- How to foster environments where programmers and teams can thrive
- When to say No and how to say it
- When to say Yes and what yes really means
Chapter 1: Professionalism
- Being a professional means taking full responsibility for one’s actions.
- First rule is not doing harm to the function nor the structure of the software.
- You will always make occasional mistakes, but you must learn from each.
- You should be certain about all code you release and firmly expect QA to find nothing wrong with it.
- Test it and test it again.
- Automate your tests.
- Design your code to be easy to test.
- You should follow the Boy Scout rule and always leave a module a little cleaner than you found it so that it becomes easier to change over time, not harder.
- Your career is your responsibility, not your boss nor your employers.
- Spending 20 hours a week beyond your normal work to improve your knowledge and skills.
- Read, experiment, practice (kata), talk to other, collaborate, look over the fence, mentor.
- It should be fun.
- Also, know your domain, identify with your customer (no “us vs. them”, ever).
Chapter 2: Saying No
- Professionals have the courage to say no to their managers.
- Managers and developers have roles that are often adversarial, because on the short term, their goals tend to conflict.
- The higher the stakes, the more valuable a “no” becomes, and the harder to say.
- Good teams will successfully work towards a yes, but only a right yes, that will later work out in practice.
Chapter 3: Saying Yes
- There are three parts to making a commitment:
- You say you will do it
- You mean it
- You actually do it
- Your commitment must respect the limits of what you expect (based on your experience) you can and cannot do.
- If you recognize you will probably not be able to meet a commitment, you need to raise a red flag immediately.
Chapter 4: Coding
- Programming requires a level of focus that few other disciplines require.
- “The zone” (or “flow”) is not as good as people think: you will be locally productive, but will often lose the bigger picture and possibly product not-so-good designs.
- Interruptions are bad distractions.
- Pair programming is helpful to cope with them.
- TDD helps to make the pre-interruption context reproducible.
- Minimize time spent debugging
- Coding is a marathon, not a sprint, so conserve the energy and creativity.
- Leave when it’s time, even in the middle of something important.
- Continuously re-estimate your best/likely/worst completion time and speak up as soon as you recognize you will likely
be late.
- Do not allow anyone to rush you.
- Use a proper definition of “done”, with sufficiently high quality requirements.
- Programming is too hard for anyone, so get help and provide help to others, in particular (but not only) in mentoring
- Don’t be shy from asking.
Chapter 5: Test-Driven Development
- TDD is not a cure-all and is impractical or inappropriate in some (rare) cases.
- TDD Cycle:
- Add a test
- Run all tests. The new test should fail for expected reasons
- Write the simplest code that passes the new test
- All tests should now pass
- Refactor as needed
- Repeat
Chapter 6: Practicing
- A programming Kata is a precise set of choreographed keystrokes and mouse movements that simulates the solving of some
programming problem.
- A Kata is about the process, not the solution.
- You aren’t solving the problem because you already know the solution.
Chapter 7: Acceptance Testings
- Avoid garbage in, garbage out. Make sure you understand the requirements.
- Creating this understanding means removing ambiguity.
- The best way to do this is defining acceptance tests:
- All customer’s conditions need to be fulfilled by automated tests to prove the expected software behavior.
- Success of those tests constitutes the definition of “Done”.
- Code implementation should start only when the tests are complete.
- Unlike unit tests (which are only for programmers), the audience of acceptance tests are both: business and developers.
- Run all tests in a continuous integration and immediately fix any failures.
Chapter 8: Test Strategies
- Consider QA part of the team. They act as specifiers: writing acceptance tests, including the failure cases and corner cases, and perform exploratory testing.
- Testing pyramid:
- Most tests are unit tests. By developer and for developers.
- Many tests are component or integration tests. By QA or Business assisted by Developers. For Business and Developers.
Chapter 9: Time management
- Management roles in software development requires good time management.
- Meeting are necessary but are also often huge time wasters, so avoid meeting that have no clear benefit <- this is a professional obligation.
- Meeting must have an agenda and a clear goal.
- Agile stand up meetings can be an efficient format.
- Iteration planning should take 5% of the iteration.
- Concentration (focus) is a scarce resource.
- Use it well when present and recharge with simpler tasks (meetings) and breaks in between.
- How to improve?
- Sport.
- Creative input.
- Short breaks every 45 minutes.
Chapter 10: Estimation
- Estimation is the source of most distrust between business people and developers because the latter provide estimate
which the former treats like commitments.
- Both are insufficiently aware that the estimate really is a probability distribution, not a fixed number.
Chapter 11: Pressure
- The professional developer is calm and decisive under pressure, adhering to his training and disciplines, knowing that they are the best way to meet pressing deadlines and commitments.
- Avoid situations that cause pressure via:
- make only commitments you can fulfill
- keep your code clean
- work in such a way that you need not change it when in crisis
- Don’t panic. Talk with your team. Don’t rush. Trust your disciplines.
- Offer to pair to others in crisis.
Chapter 12: Collaboration
- Not all but most programmers like working alone. But we need to understand the goals of the surrounding people,
including business folks.
- This requires communication.
- Likewise, within the development team: only collective code ownership and pairing produce a good level of
- Programming is all about communication.
Chapter 13: Teams and Projects
- Teams need time (months) to gel, to really get to know each other and learn to truly work together.
- Assigning fractional people to different projects is a bad idea, as is breaking up a good team at the end of a project.
- Instead, assigning several projects to one team can work well.
Chapter 14: Mentoring, Apprenticeship and Craftsmanship
- Young programmers need mentoring.
- Mentoring can be implicit or explicit.
- Given that we entrust software with all aspects of our lives, a reasonable period of training and supervised practice would be appropriate.
In this lesson, Uncle Bob demonstrates the need to write a clean code and establishes the bases to achieve it, being these bases of a social and scientific nature. Making it clear that the future of programming is based on an ethical and polite code.
In this second lesson, Uncle Bob teaches us the purpose of comments in the code, breaking the paradigm that commenting is something “I have to do” for the simple fact that we mistakenly consider that commenting is a good practice. For Uncle Bob, writing a comment is a sign of failure, since a good code must be able explain by itself: Fewer Comments = Better Code.
In this third lesson, Uncle Bob focuses on raising awareness, given the need to increase the level of criteria in code production. Pointing to the lack of preparation in most programmers, as one of the main reasons for the inefficiency in software development today.
In this fourth lesson, Uncle Bob introduces us to a software development methodology oriented through testing. This is the Test-Driven Development (TDD), a practice with a long learning curve, but with significant results to generate a more robust, safer, more maintainable code and with greater development efficiency.