Phel Lang
Build modular PHP applications
Phel is a functional programming language that compiles into PHP. It is a dialect of Lisp inspired by Clojure and built on PHP’s ecosystem. Among other features, it has persistent data structures (Lists, Vectors, Maps, and Sets), macros, recursive functions, and a REPL. Chemaclass wants to talk about the basics of Phel and do a live coding demo showing its potential.
- 2023-10-24/26 | International PHP Conference [Munich, Germany] (EN)
- 2023-07-28 | WeAreDevelopers World Congress [Berlin, Germany] (EN)
- 2023-05-27 | PHPers Summit [Poznan, Poland] (EN)
- 2023-05-24/25 | International PHP Conference [Berlin, Germany] (EN)
- 2023-04-19 | PHP Madrid Community [Remote] (ES)
- 2023-03-28 | Berlin Hack & Tell [Berlin, Germany] (EN)
- Phel in 5 min (Video) (imgs)
- 2022-11-10 | Software Crafters Madrid [Remote] (ES)
- 2022-06-23 | DesarrolloWeb [Remote] (ES)