Chapter 07: September 2015
September 01, 2015 - 1072 words - 6 mins Found a typo? Edit meGod exists: it’s me, and so are you
I am an undead. I am alive—more alive than ever! I am a person who likes to have things clear. Character, fair.
I am a life-loving person, embracing the moment and time, as well as my circumstances. I would never want to be a person idolized by the masses who cannot see beyond their reality.
I won’t go into details about whether it’s more or less correct to be faithful to one belief or another. Everyone can do what they want—that’s our freedom—but freedom is linked to responsibility. Each becomes responsible for themselves; each one, guard your beliefs, and I will guard mine. Guarding mine means not staying silent when something bothers me, when something is not right in my eyes, or when I believe something doesn’t make sense. Then, I will speak up to try to correct it.
No malice here; no one has come to discuss good and evil. That’s something everyone can handle on their own. I am against any religion that does not uphold individual human value above all, above any divine entity.
I argue that we are the greatest. But, beware! This is not valid for anyone who denies their power, their will, and their greatness as a human: their freedom. To all such, I simply wish an enjoyable stay, but nothing more.
However, to every person who knows or wants to discover their true greatness, to all without exception, my encouragement. Because it is the attitude we choose towards life that truly plays at our forefront, and this is precisely where I wanted to get: the attitude of any God is that of following mediocrity, rejecting our real value and human potential.
To achieve success, we must have an attitude of personal improvement, not a rise in life to, after death, have an encounter with a supposed God.
God exists: it’s me, and you will be too if your attitude predisposes it. Because God is nothing more than an idea, a philosophy, an attitude towards life. Believing in a God says a lot about you, says a lot to the world, and says a lot about your attitude.
My encouragement to anyone who wants to surpass themselves. To every soul that wants to surpass itself one day because it will all be yours, you will be God, and life will truly belong to you.
I needed to dream
I needed to dream because nothing is forever, except what we set out to make so. It won’t be a question then of being right or not; it doesn’t matter here. It’s about setting goals beyond our possibilities. The capacity for self-improvement that we can seemingly demonstrate out of nowhere is impressive. Just as working on another attitude, the more we exercise our will, the greater and more precise it becomes.
What is normality if not what is previously established by our environment and accepted by the majority as the norm? What is normality? If not, what predisposes us to what has not yet happened? What is normality? If not, what pigeonholes and limits us as beings free of will?
I needed to dream… and I dreamed, just as I continue to dream every day, hoping to keep doing so until my last breath. I had a dream: to be myself.
We will make a before and an after. Who knows who this might reach? The best thing about the meaning of life is that it will have the meaning you choose.
The art of thought
We could understand philosophy as the purest and most abstract science based on subjectivism, which, instead of providing answers, seeks to find the right questions. To philosophize is to question.
The purpose of this art should not end with being read. Philosophy should strive to be skeptical and pragmatic. Reading philosophy is healthy. Studying it, if we like or are passionate about it, can provide us with a rich cultural level, but that should never have been its ultimate purpose. The art of thinking did not arise to be read or written. Writing philosophy is useless if we do not contribute any questions. Reading philosophy is useless if we have not equipped ourselves—with new or existing tools—to continue building ourselves because philosophy is useless in itself: we are the ones who will give it the value we consider.
There is no absolute truth that regulates its importance and value, because something so abstract, how could we quantify it? The value of doubt. There lies its true value: it is doubt itself!
I dare say that, just as other branches were conceived with the ultimate goal of being read, written, and studied, such as engineering, philosophy did not arise for this same purpose. Philosophy was born, above all, to learn and put into practice questions, to learn to question whether we are really asking the right questions.
Philosophy did not arise to be engraved on paper or read by others. It arose from the basic needs of our most rational being, from our need for knowledge. Philosophy did not specifically arise to be told but to be lived. Be the one who lives it and then tells it!
Being right
Being right is having arguments that defend and prove our convictions and thoughts. Being right is being able to silence, to leave pride speechless no matter how much it insists by raising its voice. Having solid arguments is synonymous with a clear mind, a mind organized in its firm and solid ideas.
Because unreason has its days numbered. A house without good foundations is destined to be destroyed by itself. Being right must go beyond simple words or beliefs, as they are useless if our actions are different.
The complexity of everything must be understood from simplicity to gradually learn to understand everything.
There are so many possible variants and parameters… that no matter how much we know, it will never be enough. Hence, the importance of demonstration, of reason beyond mere conjectures.
Defend your interests, but always with arguments, and the day these are not true foundations, I propose to you: destroy them and start again. For building on something rotten…, that’s how it will be established.
A closed mind where ideas cannot converge is synonymous with failure. A closed place where ideas cannot converge is destined to be forgotten.