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What is Waterfall?

What makes Waterfall a poor fit for modern software development?

August 01, 2024 - 868 words - 5 mins Found a typo? Edit me
software management


Waterfall is like following a straight path where you move from one step to the next in a defined order — like water flowing down a waterfall through different stages.

The problem is that each step can take a lot of time and resources to complete. Plus, you don’t get feedback until the entire stage is finished, which can lead to a lot of wasted time. This is especially tricky in software development, where things are always changing and evolving.

It usually follows a straightforward sequence like this:

Waterfall img from Comic Agile

The reality of Waterfall

Waterfall can be like communism in theory — it seems perfect on paper but doesn’t work in the real world.

So, in a constantly changing world, Waterfall can really hurt a business. It tends to frustrate developers and teams, and it can also annoy clients and the businesses paying for the software. This usually leads to delays and extra costs.

Why companies still use Waterfall

Even with its problems, a lot of companies still use Waterfall because it seems straightforward and logical. This makes them reluctant to take the time to learn Agile. Plus, getting management to agree to switch to Agile can be a tough sell, especially since it requires an investment in time and learning.

The big issue is when higher-ups dictate exactly how teams should work, leading to micromanagement. This messes up the flexibility that Agile brings. From what I’ve seen, this is a common problem.

Looking back, switching to Agile could have fixed a lot of issues.


Why Agile was created

Agile was created to overcome the limits of the Waterfall method. It focuses on constant interaction with clients and teams.

Agile builds autonomous and responsible teams that handle tasks from start to finish, reducing wasted time and resources. It emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer feedback.

Unlike Waterfall, Agile uses iterative development, breaking projects into small, manageable sprints or iterations that last 1-4 weeks. Each cycle includes planning, development, testing, and review, aiming to deliver value quickly and gather feedback to improve.

Key aspects of Agile

Read the original Agile Manifesto.

Where can you start?

As a developer, you can boost your agility by diving into pair programming and TDD.

Together, these practices make your development process more flexible, collaborative, and high-quality, fitting right in with Agile’s focus on quick adjustments and continuous improvement. See more practices here.

The key is collaboration, baby steps, and quick feedback on everything you work on.

My experience with Agile

I’ve talked about Agile at various tech events and explored it in depth because I’m passionate about how it can supercharge software teams. When done right, Agile can completely change how teams work, making them faster, more efficient, and better at delivering what clients and businesses really need.

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